If you have difficulty making payments with the paypal payment method or you don’t have a paypal account, you can use the following alternative payments. first make your payments and please select check payment method
please use check method, and choose one payments below

How To Create Skrill Account And Step By Step Verify Skrill Account
You can use skrill for alternative for manual payment. You can send on via my email or my phones number
Account Email : exthem.es@yahoo.com
Customer ID : 172239854
Phone Number : +6285259598501
How To Send International Money Transfer
First Name : M Fadly Ansyari
Last Name : Syahrir
Account Number : 7890698802
How To Send Money On Skrill to Skrill
You can use Wise for alternative for manual payment. You can send on via my email or my phones number
Emails : exthemes.99@gmail.com
Phones : +6285259598501
How To Create Account On Wise
How To Send Money On Wise
* after you done make payment, send me screenshots proof of payment on chats Whatsapp…. im checking you Payments